
Many souls are mine, saving me from Heaven’s shine.

Book of the Darklight 8:2

The Individual

Your soul on Shakai is Anima. This is your identity that carries with you no matter what. This aspect of you is personal, and cannot be taken. When a soul goes to the afterlife, this is what is carried along.

The Power

Anima is also raw power. It is one aspect of creation, as much as any element or physical matter. This raw power fuels everything – not just people, but also plants, rocks, and structures. When people trade or use Anima, they are using the Power of Anima.

What it Is

When people say ‘anima’, they typically mean the Power of Anima. Anima doesn’t hold still when it’s left unbonded to something physical. It dissipates very quickly. Certain creatures, such as a person, have enough power of anima tied to themselves that it can be seen for a few seconds when they die before it seeps into the world. It is white, liquid-like, and slightly cool to the touch. When a person dies, their individual/personal aspect of their soul immediately leaves. Any power from their soul is left as a puddle on the ground, which eventually seeps and goes away. The more power they had, the longer it takes to seep into the ground. Anyone, if quick enough, can touch the anima pool and use their will to absorb that power into themselves.

Passing Anima

Once anima has been picked up, it is held within your soul until you ‘will’ it somewhere. Through this function is how anima can be used for trade. Magic items, even rulership or titles, can be bought with anima instead of gold. Anima is highly desired, especially by those who are seeking more power.

Replacing Spell Components

Because Anima is a pure form of energy, it can be used to substitute any spell component instead of needing the specific objects normally required. Anima used in this way is always consumed, even if the spell states that its normal component would not be consumed.

Welding For XP

If you have determined that you don’t want to trade your anima or keep it stored for spell components, the other option is to Weld it to yourself. In order to Weld anima, it requires a group of people who have been trained and know how to perform the technique. On Shakai, these people are the Charities faction. Anima that is welded increases your power, in the form of additional XP.

Conversion Table

See this table for the cost of anima in regards to its possible functions.