Horns call for heroes to rise.
Who will you stand with? Various factions stand firm against the evils that threaten Elrün, but each calls to the heart of a different kind of hero. Will you join with the mysterious Sen’Jerei, the coalition of the Brass Legion, or another group?
Brass Legion
Originally created as a coalition of the free cities of the west. This now independent guild has pledged to help those in need. Few can compare to these highly trained and grizzled warriors on the battlefield. They fight for glory and the security of all who call upon their aid, and they do so with pride.
Alyinic Order
In the current age, the Alynic Order’s influence has waned. Many followers claim that the cause of recent wars, upheavals, disruptions, and the rise of dark magic is due to many turning away from the guidance of the White Flame. Anyone who seeks to protect the innocent and battle the shadow can draw on the power of the White Flame to aid in their battle against the shadow.
Far Striders
The Far Striders are a far-ranging group that opposes threats to the natural world and helps others survive the many perils of the wild. They know how to survive, and more importantly, they want to help others do the same. They are not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to prevent civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another.
The Sen’Jerei are a newer organization and its agents are mostly comprised of wizards, sorcerers, and other wielders of dark magic. Their agents work abroad and seek to uncover ancient mysteries, recover lost arcane knowledge and fight the rising shadow. They journey throughout Elrün looking for those capable of wielding its power and training them at their headquarters, the Arteum, located in Norynd.