New Alignment

Currently, D&D 5e has an alignment system that offers a choice between two varying axis.  The first is a choice between good and evil with stoic neutrality in between the two extremes. The second axis is a dichotomy between adherence to the rule of law and spontaneous chaos. The goal of these choices is to help make characters more two-dimensional. Not all characters needed to be hand-wringing evildoers or cat saving boy scouts.

Although, even with the two-track approach, options are limited. The other problem with this type of black and white morality is that it doesn’t speak to why a character is “good” or “evil”.  This homebrew system presents a more piecemeal approach to personality generation for players. Those familiar with the traditional nine alignments will be able to find some overlap in the new system, but there is much more room for customization and experimentation in your character’s Alignment and Personality Traits. This is a proposed alternate system to use in place of the traditional moral alignment system present in D&D 5e.

Personality Traits

When deciding a character’s personality and moral views, players should think of what motivates their character into action or inaction. Below, the chart shows the relationship of the 10 general personality traits. They form a circular pattern from altruistic motivations to dominant motivations and back around again. Altruistic characters take action selflessly, while dominant characters focus more on what they can gain from each situation.

One the left side of the Personality Wheel are personalities focused on individual action while the right side is more motivated by social structure. Traditionally, this was called the axis of chaos versus law, but while chaos implies randomness, those motivated by their individual wants may be very focused and organized.

Choosing Traits

Characters can have up to four different personality traits, but most have only one or two. After choosing an initial trait, remove all opposing traits – these are traits more than three spaces away on the Personality Wheel. Opposing traits may be admissible by your Game Master, but a character cannot have two diametrically opposing traits as they stand for the exact opposite motivation. These diametrically opposing traits are highlighted in italics in the Trait descriptions.

Characters can be motivated by something other than what their Personality Traits dictate, but the traits should take precedence in any important decisions that have real repercussions in your game.

Trait Descriptions


Motivation: Malice
Motto: “Show no mercy”
Opposing Traits: Humane, Selfless, Principled

Cruel characters take great pleasure in hurting or dominating others, especially their enemies. They may extract a steep penalty for any wrongdoing or serve a cruel master, but they aren’t concerned about helping anyone or progressing the greater good through their cruelty.

  • They want to hurt others.
  • They would only show mercy to inflict more pain.


Motivation: Power
Motto: “Might makes right”
Opposing Traits: Selfless, Righteous, Humane

Imperious characters wish to take power over others and feel no need to help other characters whether they are in trouble or not. They may use their power to progress the greater good, but they are not concerned about the well-being of individuals other than themselves or the idea of justice unless it is what they justly deserve.

  • They want to dominate others.
  • They would only help someone to gain power over them.


Motivation: Order
Motto: “The law is the law”
Opposing Traits: Righteous, Independent, Selfless

Dogmatic characters follow the law to the letter, whether it be the law of the land or their religion or their group’s ethos, but never their own personal whims. They may be ambitious for status and wealth or kind to the unfortunate but they do not seek out independence in action or desire to give their life in service.

  • They want to follow the rules.
  • They would only do what is right if the law allows it.


Motivation: Duty
Motto: “Just following orders”
Opposing Traits: Independent, Righteous, Ambitious

Obedient characters follow the orders of their commanders, whether they be good, evil, legal or illegal. They may serve selflessly or as an extension of their personal cruelty, but they aren’t concerned with their personal ambitions or what is the just course of action in any situation.

  • They want to serve their leader well.
  • They would only do what they want if their leader allows it.


Motivation: Unity
Motto: “For the greater good”
Opposing Traits: Ambitious, Independent, Cruel

Principled characters try to do the best for all, even if would cause suffering for some – some would call it the pragmatic side of good. They may try to consolidate power around themselves to do this or have their own sense of right and wrong, but they are not driven by selfish or cruel motivations.

  • They want to make the world a better place.
  • They would only act for themselves if society would benefit.


Motivation: Altruism
Motto: “Kindness is never wasted”
Opposing Traits: Cruel, Ambitious, Imperious

Humane characters are always kind and never cruel, even to their enemies. Their kindness does not have an agenda. They may take personal joy from kindness or it may be part of a deeply held belief system, but they don’t care about status, competition, or hierarchical dominance.

  • They want to be good to others.
  • They would only hurt someone if it can not be avoided.


Motivation: Service
Motto: “Living is service to others”
Opposing Traits: Imperious, Cruel, Dogmatic

Selfless characters live in service to helping others even if it may be detrimental to themselves. They are independent agents serving causes that they believe to be just and good. They may blindly follow the orders of a just leader or seek to gain prestige and fame for their service, but they don’t enjoy cruelty or following rules they believe to be unjust.

  • They want to serve the cause.
  • They would only take power over another to save them.


Motivation: Justice
Motto: “More justice, less law”
Opposing Traits: Dogmatic, Imperious, Obedient

Righteous characters do what they think is fair and just and are not concerned with what the law says they can or cannot do. They may fight for the greater good or enjoy handing out cruel punishments, but they are not interested in power for power’s sake or following their leaders blindly.

  • They want to right wrongs.
  • They would only follow the law if they agreed it was just.


Motivation: Freedom
Motto: “Live in the moment”
Opposing Traits: Obedient, Dogmatic, Principled

Independent characters do what they want to do and are not concerned about what others think. They may thirst for power or do good for others, but they care nothing for the rules of society or a nebulous sense of the “the greater good.”

  • They want to enjoy life.
  • They would only follow orders that they wanted to follow.


Motivation: Achievement
Motto: “First come, first serve”
Opposing Traits: Principled, Obedient, Humane

Ambitious characters want to be the best, the richest, the most loved or if they cannot be any of those, simply be most famous. They may get there while slavishly following the rules or through heroic self-sacrifice, but they are not concerned with being nice or following the will of others.

  • They want to improve their holdings and status.
  • They would only help others if it helped them personally.