Tales From Elrün
Read various stories, fables, legends, and myths from across the realm. Are they true, or just another tall tale?
Regarding Deity and Worship
An Ethical Argument for Worship of The Argent Four Law of Origin It is given history that The Argent Four turned Elrün from a realm of “chaos” to one rich with vegetation, and life hospitable to all...
The Parable of the Mother Bird
O, be wise, what can I say more to thee? Ye lost child of Elrün, Apoth, ye always are wanting more even when ye cannot understand more... Fortunately, frog entertains, and hath not lost hope in...
Divine Worship and Other Wastes of Time
It is no secret that I do not worship the Ardent Four. That does not mean I do not believe the Ardent Four exist or have power to act and influence our world. It means I do not believe the Ardent...
Lecture On Time Decay
Brons, I want to thank you for honoring your agreement to pay me back a small favor for my lending you, "A Categorization of Ore." I’ve been thinking a lot about your words to me last week about how...
Into the Evernight
Tilting the crucible, Eberk carefully poured the hot metal into the mold. Nearing the completion of his work he was filled with apprehension. Here he stood, forging not fighting in one of the last...
The Nameless King
Listen, grandchild, and I will tell you of the betrayal of the Nameless King… Men had a great city once, more powerful than that of any other on the face of Elrun, for it even rivaled the power of...